Thursday, January 16, 2014

Make Your Dream Come True

My son wished for a yellow M&M sandwich, and at first I said no because I have been making lunch in the morning and know I can't do a character justice through blurry morning vision. I was going to just pull out a cookie cutter, literally the first one I touched would be the theme of the day. Then I remembered it was "Make Your Dream Come True" day, so I drew what he wanted on his sandwich. He has not been a big fan of cheese lately so I tried to keep it to a minimum. He was very pleased at breakfast when I surprised him with it.

Yellow M&M   

In this lunch : In an Easy Luncbox
  • Yellow M&M - Ham sandwich with provolone eyelids
  • Mini M&Ms (just a small portion)
  • Smiley carrots
  • Puzzle watermelon pieces
 I may not be a morning person, but my kids whims are worth it.

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