Thursday, March 21, 2013

World Down Syndrome Day

3-21 for trisomy 21 or World Down Syndrome Day is a party like none other. We got our wacky socks up, do you? If not let me invite you to go get a little wacky and spread the love. If you have been blessed as we have to know someone with the extra kindness chromosome consider yourself lucky. Some of the best people I know have down syndrome, they are the most loving, compassionate people on the planet. I call it the compassionate chromosome because that's what it is, they get extra heaping doses of it to love everyone without judgement or prejudice. To laugh and live without abandon. To spread sunshine to everyone in their presence. Loving and caring for someone with this extra dose of love while not without its challenges also teaches you to love without limits. The world could use a lot more of this.

It's not easy being Green lunch by Green Monkey

See we are definitely not morning people. This is him enjoying drawing on his sandwich, grumpy cat.

Sneaky mom added 21 to his lunch

He drew a game of hangman not sure if he thought of a word or not, but more exciting than just a green square as he requested.

In this lunch :
  • Peanut butter and jelly
  • Green peep
  • Green egg with chocolate bunny
  • Cucumber hearts
  • Grapes and 1/2 green apple

For the love of 21

Little blue does not like any type of coloring anymore so just simple shapes for him for now.

 In this lunch
  • Sock, heart, and 21 Peanut butter and jelly sandwich (That's one sandwich btw)
  • Green peep
  • Cucumber hearts
  • 21 on 1/2 green apple and grapes
 Wacky Socks!
Green Monkey only has black, white, and khaki to choose from
Me and Blue have a more vivid collection.
To learn more about World Down Syndrome Day and to see how you can help 
click the picture of lots of socks above.

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